Tuesday, January 19, 2010

An Update (More Random Notes)

Good news: Jay is interested in playing! I feel this is a good indicator that Kris will as well (but I will wait for his confirmation before I get too excited). They play together in Lee Villaire's band (Check them out). Heck, maybe I can get them to ask her to come sing too...

I am also going to see which of my musically-inclined friends who do not usually perform in public would like to throw something together for what I am tentatively (and respectfully) calling "Amateur Hour". If anyone is interested please let me know.

I want there to be a true festival vibe, which is why I am considering the balloon launch for the kids, and I am trying to think of other things for them to do (though the lake itself should be the biggest draw for them), like face painting and soap bubbles. I am considering door prizes (everyone gets a ticket, and we draw the prizes throughout the day) as well. All (reasonable) ideas are welcome!

In-Blog Play:

1 comment:

  1. We want to come!!! Really! I would paint faces in a heartbeat :) Talking with Don right now about leaving TX on a Thursday night.

    Just had an idea....must talk to Ann.....CARAVAN.
